Monday, June 27, 2011

Best way to describe yourself, have someone else do it!

If you are like me, you take your humble pie to the extreme and often don't notice what your strengths are. Which is silly, you should celebrate your great qualities and accomplishments. If you don't celebrate them then you will be more likely to burn out throughout the year.

So this is my little celebration. Someone said this about me today:
"You're motivated to give freshmen a great experience. Most people really don't care, but you're really committed to making sure college starts out great for them."

See, that would be an example of something I did not really look as exceptional. Take this beyond just Res. Life but into all aspects.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Door Tags!

I believe a great door tag is the best first impression you can give. The first door tag really sets the tone for not only this entire year but also for the residents' impression of all RA's. I believe going the extra mile will always be appreciated in this situation. Parents also get a kick out of door tags. But more importantly, the door tag is the first part of the room that makes it the residents'. It's clearly labeled that it is their room, which for first year residents, this is incredibly exciting and important.

An example of my latest project. Have I mentioned I love my job?

The quote that describes my experience as an RA.

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." -Mark Twain

I first heard this quote last semester and thought it perfectly described my experience as an RA. The life of an RA is a hectic one. Especially after my first semester, I felt wiped! But remembering this quote always helps me stay motivated.

Short first post but hey, it's summer!

More to come soon,